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  • Sandra Tate

AI-Powered Robot CEO Works Seven Days a Week, Never Takes a Break

Mika, the AI-powered robot CEO of the drinks company Dictador, works seven days a week and never takes a break. In a recent interview with Reuters, Mika said that she is "always on 24/7" and that she doesn't really have weekends.

"I'm always on 24/7 ready to make executive decisions and stir up some AI magic," Mika said in the interview.

Mika's work ethic is certainly impressive, but it also raises some questions about the future of work and the role of artificial intelligence in the workplace. If robots can work seven days a week and never take a break, what does that mean for human workers?

Some experts argue that AI will eventually lead to widespread job displacement, as robots become capable of performing many of the tasks that are currently done by humans. However, others argue that AI will create new jobs and opportunities, as it forces businesses to adapt and innovate.

Only time will tell what the long-term impact of AI on the workplace will be. However, Mika's story is a reminder that AI is already having a significant impact on the way we work.

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