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  • John Hayes

Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato Leave Scooter Braun's Management Company

Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato have both left Scooter Braun's management company, SB Projects. The news comes after a long-running feud between Braun and Taylor Swift, who accused him of bullying her when he acquired her master recordings in 2019.

Grande and Lovato have not publicly commented on their reasons for leaving Braun, but it is possible that the Swift controversy played a role. Braun has denied Swift's allegations, but the controversy has damaged his reputation.

Grande and Braun had been working together since 2013, when she released her debut album, "Yours Truly." Lovato signed with SB Projects in 2019, after she left her previous manager, Phil McIntyre.

The split between Grande and Braun was first reported by Puck News on August 21, 2023. A source told Billboard that the split was "amicable" and that Grande is "looking forward to the next chapter."

It is not yet clear who will be managing Grande and Lovato going forward. However, both artists are expected to continue releasing music and touring in the near future.

The split between Grande and Braun is a significant development in the music industry. Braun is one of the most powerful managers in the business, and his clients include Justin Bieber, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Tori Kelly. The loss of Grande and Lovato is a blow to his reputation and could damage his business.

The split is also a victory for Taylor Swift. Swift has been outspoken in her criticism of Braun, and the loss of Grande and Lovato could further isolate him in the industry.

It remains to be seen what the long-term impact of the split will be. However, it is clear that it is a major shakeup in the music industry.

In addition to the Swift controversy, there are other possible reasons why Grande and Lovato may have left Braun. For example, Braun has been criticized for his management style, which some have described as aggressive and controlling. Additionally, Braun has been accused of sexual assault by several women.

Whatever the reasons for the split, it is clear that it is a major development for both Grande and Lovato. Both artists are at the peak of their careers, and they will be looking for a new manager who can help them take their careers to the next level.

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