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  • John Webber

Biden Administration Faces Uphill Battle on Defense Pact with Saudi Arabia

A recent poll by the Harris Poll and the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft has found that more than half of Americans oppose a defense pact with Saudi Arabia. The poll found that 55% of Americans are against the United States entering into a formal defense agreement with Saudi Arabia, while only 35% are in favor of such an agreement.

The poll's findings are significant because they suggest that the Biden administration may face an uphill battle in getting congressional approval for any defense pact with Saudi Arabia. The Biden administration has been reportedly negotiating a defense pact with Saudi Arabia as part of a broader effort to improve relations with the kingdom and to get Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Israel. However, the poll's findings suggest that many Americans are opposed to the idea of the United States entering into a formal defense agreement with Saudi Arabia.

There are a number of reasons why Americans may be opposed to a defense pact with Saudi Arabia. One reason is that Saudi Arabia has a poor human rights record. The kingdom has been criticized for its authoritarian government, its restrictions on religious freedom, and its treatment of women.

Another reason why Americans may be opposed to a defense pact with Saudi Arabia is that the kingdom is involved in a number of regional conflicts, including the civil war in Yemen. The United States has provided military support to Saudi Arabia in the Yemen war, and some Americans may be opposed to the United States entering into a formal defense agreement with a country that is involved in such a controversial conflict.

Finally, some Americans may be opposed to a defense pact with Saudi Arabia because they believe that the kingdom is not a reliable ally. Saudi Arabia has a history of cooperating with the United States on some issues, but it has also acted independently on other issues. For example, Saudi Arabia has refused to join the United States in condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The Biden administration will need to carefully consider the results of this poll and other public opinion polls as it negotiates with Saudi Arabia. The administration will need to convince Americans that a defense pact with Saudi Arabia is in the best interests of the United States.

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