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  • Adam Sellers

Biden Insiders Think There's 'No Question' Kamala Harris Will Move to Top of Ticket

Campaign staffers are preparing to elevate Vice President Kamala Harris to the top of the Democratic ticket for the 2024 presidential election, according to sources who spoke to The Independent. These sources believe that Harris will replace Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. One strategist, who worked on Biden's 2020 campaign, stated that there is “no question” Harris will receive the nomination. Some Democrats believe this shift is inevitable following Biden's performance in the recent debate against former President Donald Trump. The strategist added that Biden “doesn’t want to be pushed out” and wants to make the decision on his own terms.

Despite the speculation surrounding his potential withdrawal, Biden has publicly maintained his commitment to the race. He held a call with campaign staff, where he stated his intent to remain on the ballot. Echoing Biden's sentiment, Harris, who was also on the call, told campaign aides that they "will not back down" and "will follow our president’s lead." However, a source close to the campaign indicated that Biden is expected to make a decision about withdrawing from the race and elevating Harris over the weekend. This source believes that it is not a matter of "if" but rather "how" and "how smoothly" the transition will happen.

Privately, Biden has expressed doubts about his ability to recover from the debate performance. He reportedly confided in an ally, saying, "It’s not working." Sources suggest that Biden may base his final decision on polling data and fundraising efforts following an upcoming interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos.

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