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  • Amy Stocks

Can Vitamins Help You Live to 100?

While vitamins were once seen as a magic bullet for longevity, the reality is more complex. Some doctors advise against them, citing a lack of strong evidence for their benefits. Others, like gerontologist Darnell Cox, argue that modern food lacks essential nutrients and recommend daily multivitamins to fill the gaps.

Currently, the research on vitamins and longevity is inconclusive. However, some studies suggest multivitamins might help with cognitive decline. Still, maintaining a well-balanced diet remains the primary recommendation for most healthcare professionals.

New studies suggest taking vitamins, especially vitamin D, may help promote longevity. While more research is needed, experts say high-quality supplements can potentially fill nutritional gaps that contribute to age-related diseases. When paired with a balanced diet, vitamins may support overall health into old age. But check with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.

Ultimately, the decision to take vitamins lies with you. If you choose to do so, consult your doctor and ensure the vitamins you purchase are third-party tested and high-quality.

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