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  • Emily Roberts

Chappelle Reportedly Criticizes Israel's Actions in Gaza at Comedy Show

Comedian Dave Chappelle allegedly condemned certain Israeli military actions in Gaza during a recent comedy show in Boston, according to attendees.

Chappelle initially denounced Hamas for its deadly Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel, reports said. But he then purportedly accused Israel of excessive force, including cutting off essential services to Gaza civilians.

Audience members claim Chappelle slammed U.S. support for Israeli bombings that he said killed innocent people. Some fans reportedly cheered and shouted "Free Palestine," while others yelled criticisms of Hamas.

Chappelle later allegedly said "two wrongs don't make a right" regarding Israeli policies and Hamas attacks. His spokesperson denied he performed in Boston that night, though the venue lists him as scheduled.

The inflammatory remarks, if accurately reported, signify rare political commentary from Chappelle. Israel maintains its Gaza strikes target Hamas and aim to minimize civilian harm.

But Chappelle apparently sees disproportionate actions that require condemnation. His purported comments will likely kindle debate given the complexities of the situation.

The comedian touches on a contentious issue where perceptions remain deeply polarized. Chappelle is known for controversy and may have intended to provoke strong reactions.

However, influential figures risk inflaming tensions when discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Facts often get lost amid the moral outrage. While Chappelle apparently seeks to highlight perceived injustices, his reputed rhetoric seems unlikely to encourage nuance or restraint.

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