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  • Joy Malud

China Removes Qin Gang as Foreign Minister, Replacing Him with Wang Yi

China has removed Qin Gang as its foreign minister after he disappeared from public view for a month. Qin, 57, was appointed foreign minister in December 2022, but he has not been seen in public since June 2023. His replacement is Wang Yi, 69, a veteran diplomat who has served as the director of the Chinese Communist Party's Foreign Affairs Commission Office. Wang is a close confidant of Chinese President Xi Jinping and is seen as a safe pair of hands to lead China's foreign policy.

The news of Qin's removal comes at a time of heightened tensions between China and the United States. Qin had been seen as a rising star in China's foreign policy establishment, and his removal is likely to be seen as a sign of Xi's displeasure with the direction of China's relations with the United States.

Wang Yi is a more experienced diplomat than Qin, and he is likely to take a more cautious approach to China's foreign policy. However, he will still face the challenge of managing tensions with the United States and other countries.

What does Qin's removal mean for China's foreign policy?

It is difficult to say for sure what Qin's removal means for China's foreign policy. However, there are a few possible implications.

First, it could signal a shift in China's approach to foreign relations. Qin was a strong advocate for China's "wolf warrior" diplomacy, which is characterized by its aggressive and confrontational style. Wang Yi, on the other hand, is seen as a more moderate figure who is more likely to take a more conciliatory approach.

Second, Qin's removal could be seen as a sign of Xi Jinping's displeasure with the direction of China's foreign relations. Qin had been a close ally of Xi, and his removal could be seen as a sign that Xi is not happy with the way that China's foreign policy has been handled.

Third, Qin's removal could be seen as a way for China to signal to the United States that it is serious about improving relations. Wang Yi is seen as a more trusted figure by the United States, and his appointment as foreign minister could be seen as a sign that China is willing to make some concessions in order to improve relations.

It is still too early to say what the long-term implications of Qin's removal will be. However, it is clear that it is a significant development in China's foreign policy.

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