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Democrats allegedly conspiring against their impeachment hero"

To some dedicated viewers of MSNBC, Adam Schiff embodies the ideal Democratic Party politician. He supports universal healthcare, does not accept corporate PAC money, is a former prosecutor, and is well-respected for his management of former President Donald Trump's first impeachment. However, Schiff faces opposition from his own party's supporters in his campaign to replace the retiring Senator Dianne Feinstein in the 2024 Senate race. Despite the support of establishment Democrats and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Schiff's name recognition and association with preserving democracy in a liberal state like California do not guarantee his path to the Senate. Some donors, consultants, and activists favor other candidates in the race, such as liberal stalwarts Reps. Katie Porter and Barbara Lee. Progressive activists criticize Schiff's past positions on healthcare and criminal justice reform, and they question his eagerness to impeach Trump. Some groups view the possibility of Schiff's election as a threat to electing women or a person of color to the Senate, while Schiff's progressive detractors point out his past record as a Blue Dog Democrat and his support for the Iraq war. Schiff's recent support for progressive policies is viewed by some as a latecomer.

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