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  • Sandra Tate

Diplomatic spat between India and Canada worsens as India suspends visas

India has suspended visa services for Canadian citizens, further escalating a diplomatic spat between the two countries. The move comes after Canada accused India of potentially being behind the assassination of a Sikh separatist activist on its soil.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has not officially commented on the visa suspension, but a notice on the website of BLS International, a company that handles visa applications for India in Canada, states that the suspension is due to “operational reasons.”

The suspension is the latest sign of the deteriorating relationship between India and Canada. The two countries have been at odds over a number of issues in recent years, including Canada's decision to grant asylum to Sikh separatists and its criticism of India's human rights record in Kashmir.

The assassination of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh separatist leader, in Vancouver in June further strained relations between the two countries. Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has said that the government is investigating "credible allegations" that Indian agents may have been involved in the killing.

India has denied any involvement in Nijjar's death and has accused Canada of making "baseless and unsubstantiated allegations." It has also warned Canada that its accusations could damage the bilateral relationship.

The visa suspension is likely to further strain relations between India and Canada. It is unclear how long the suspension will last or whether India will take other retaliatory measures.

The suspension is also likely to have a negative impact on businesses and individuals in both countries. Canadian citizens who had planned to travel to India will now have to cancel their trips, and Indian businesses that rely on Canadian customers may suffer losses.

The diplomatic spat between India and Canada is a reminder of the growing tensions between the two countries. It is also a reminder of the importance of maintaining open and constructive dialogue between countries, even when they have disagreements.

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