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  • Maria Rodriguez

Ecuadorian presidential election headed for run-off, Gonzalez in lead

The Ecuadorian presidential election on Sunday resulted in a run-off between leftist candidate Luisa González and businessman Daniel Noboa. With nearly all votes counted, González had 33% of the vote, while Noboa had 24%. The two candidates will face off in a second round of voting on October 15.

González is a lawyer and close ally of former President Rafael Correa. She is running on a platform of social justice and economic equality. Noboa is a wealthy businessman who is running on a platform of job creation and economic growth.

The election was held against a backdrop of political violence. In the weeks leading up to the election, a top candidate was gunned down in broad daylight. The murder has raised concerns about the security of the election and the stability of the country.

The run-off election will be a close race. Both candidates have strong support among different sectors of the population. González is popular among the poor and working class, while Noboa is popular among the business community and the middle class.

The outcome of the election will have a major impact on the future of Ecuador. The winner will inherit a country that is facing a number of challenges, including poverty, crime, and drug trafficking. The new president will need to find a way to unite the country and address these challenges.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the election:

  • The election was a close race, with no clear winner in the first round.

  • The two leading candidates are from different political backgrounds. González is a leftist, while Noboa is a businessman.

  • The election was held against a backdrop of political violence.

  • The outcome of the election will have a major impact on the future of Ecuador.

The second round of voting will be held on October 15. It will be interesting to see how the race develops in the coming weeks.

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