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  • Abu Aliyu

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested and Faces Uncertain Political Future

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's political future has been cast into uncertainty as he was arrested at his residence by police following a court's decision to sentence him to three years in jail for asset concealment.

The implications of this prison sentence are significant, as it could lead to Khan being disqualified from participating in politics. According to the law, individuals with a criminal conviction are not eligible to hold or run for public office. Khan's party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), strongly criticized the ruling and announced their intention to challenge the decision in a higher court.

However, the ultimate authority to disqualify Khan from politics lies with the country's election body. While a superior court may suspend the conviction, it will be the election body's decision that will have the final say on his eligibility for political office.

These developments come at a crucial time, with upcoming elections expected later this year. There has been a notable increase in efforts to detain Khan in light of his popularity and considerable support base. His ability to mobilize large crowds poses a significant threat to the ruling coalition and has the potential to polarize the electorate.

The situation surrounding Imran Khan's arrest and conviction has captivated the nation's attention, and the outcome of this legal battle will undoubtedly have far-reaching consequences for Pakistan's political landscape. As the events unfold, the public eagerly awaits the decision of the higher court and the election body, which will determine whether Khan's political journey continues or comes to an end.

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