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  • Gregory Tamil

French Farmers' Fury: Tractor Convoys Descend on Paris in Massive Protests

PARIS - Convoy trucks, tractors, and protesters dominated the outskirts of Paris today as tensions escalated between French farmers and the newly appointed French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.

Thousands of farmers journeyed from across the country to voice their increasing frustrations over rising production costs, complex environmental regulations, globalized competition, and a feeling of governmental neglect. Over 10,000 are estimated to have arrived in the capital region.

Early this morning, clashes broke out as protesters attempted to enter the Rungis International food market just outside Paris. Riot police arrested 18 farmers for obstructing traffic on the highway while trying to swarm the vital food distribution hub.

Attal called for discussions with farming representatives last night but was largely rebuked for not addressing core concerns or offering substantial aid. Farmer organizers have called his solutions "empty promises" and demand immediate protectionist trade policies along with simplified regulatory frameworks.

The escalating protests have now sparked solidarity movements across Europe. Similar tractor convoys and blockades are now appearing Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece and more. Nearly all cite complex European Union regulations, globalized competition, and climate change directives as major grievances.

As the standoff continues, all eyes turn to tomorrow’s talks between French President Emmanuel Macron and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. French farmers hope tangible solutions will finally be found to address this boiling agricultural crisis.

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