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  • Ayo Adebayo

Gabon has been suspended from the African Union after a military coup overthrew President Ali Bongo

The African Union (AU) has taken a firm stance by suspending Gabon's membership in response to a recent military coup that removed President Ali Bongo from power. This decision was made by the AU's Peace and Security Council, which strongly denounced the military's takeover of the Republic of Gabon.

This suspension will remain in effect until constitutional order is reestablished in Gabon. Notably, Gabon is the eighth country in West and Central Africa to face such a suspension from the AU since 2020.

The coup in Gabon is part of a concerning trend of military takeovers in the region. Prior to this, Burkina Faso experienced a military junta taking control in January, followed by another junta seizing power in Mali in February.

The AU has consistently condemned these coups and called for the restoration of constitutional order. Additionally, the organization has imposed sanctions on the junta in Burkina Faso.

This situation in Gabon presents a significant setback for the AU, which has been actively working to promote democracy and good governance across Africa. It has faced criticism for not taking more proactive measures to prevent coups in West and Central Africa.

Now, the AU faces the challenge of restoring constitutional order in Gabon and preventing further coups in the region. To do this effectively, it must collaborate with the international community to find a solution that addresses the root causes of these coups.

The suspension of Gabon's membership serves as a strong message from the AU, signaling its zero-tolerance stance towards military takeovers. It also exerts pressure on the junta in Gabon to reinstate constitutional order.

The future of Gabon remains uncertain at this point. The junta has pledged to hold elections, but the timeline for this process is unclear. The AU must closely monitor the situation in Gabon to ensure that any forthcoming elections are conducted freely and fairly.

The coup in Gabon underscores the ongoing challenges that democracy faces in Africa. It emphasizes the need for the AU and the international community to collaborate closely to address these challenges and prevent future coups.

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