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  • John Webber

Hollywood Actors Ready to Strike, Following Writers on Picket Lines

Los Angeles, July 13, 2023 -- Hollywood actors are on the verge of striking, following the lead of writers who have been on strike since May. If the strike goes ahead, it will be the first time that Hollywood actors and writers have gone on strike at the same time in over 60 years.

The strike is being called in protest at the declining share of studio profits that actors and writers receive, as well as the increasing precariousness of their jobs. "We are fighting for our fair share of the profits that we generate," said Fran Drescher, president of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA). "We are also fighting for job security and for the right to have a say in how our work is used."

The strike is expected to have a significant impact on the entertainment industry, disrupting production of films and television shows. It is estimated that the strike could cost the industry billions of dollars.

The studios have refused to make any significant concessions, and it is unclear whether the strike can be avoided. "We are prepared to go on strike if necessary," said Drescher. "We are not going to back down until we get a fair deal."

The strike vote is scheduled for Thursday morning. If the vote is in favor of a strike, it could begin as early as Friday.

The strike would be a major blow to the Hollywood industry, which is already struggling to compete with streaming services. It would also be a setback for the creative community, which is already facing increasing challenges in the digital age.

The outcome of the strike is uncertain, but it is clear that Hollywood is at a crossroads. The industry is facing a number of challenges, and the strike is a sign that the creative community is not going to take them lying down.

What do you think? Will the strike go ahead? What impact will it have on the entertainment industry?

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