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Injured Jones Participates in Three Sparring Sessions

Jones, a local fighter, has recently been making headlines due to the fact that he participated in three sparring sessions despite being injured. Jones, who has been training for an upcoming fight, sustained an injury during practice last week. Despite the injury, Jones decided to push himself to the limit and spar a total of three times.

In an interview, Jones stated “I know I was injured, but I didn’t want to miss out on any training. I realized that I would have to push myself if I wanted to make it to the fight.” Jones was seen wearing a brace and taking frequent breaks during the sparring sessions in order to protect his injury.

Jones’ trainers were very proud of his dedication and hard work. They stated “We’ve never seen a fighter so determined to train despite an injury. It’s admirable that Jones was willing to push himself to his limits in order to prepare for the fight.” Jones has since recovered from his injury and is now back to full training.

Jones revealed in the UFC 285 post-fight press conference that he had been dealing with an injury prior to the fight, and that he had only sparred a total of three times during his training camp. Despite this, Jones was still able to perform well in the octagon, showcasing his skills in both wrestling and jiu-jitsu. Jones mentioned that he may start to favor ground fighting in order to save his brain cells and keep himself from getting hurt. He seemed confident in his abilities and is looking forward to the next fight.

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