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  • Sandra Tate

Israel Rejects Saudi Proposal to Station Envoy in Jerusalem

Jerusalem - Israel has rejected a Saudi proposal to station its envoy to the Palestinian Authority in Jerusalem. The Israeli government said that it would not allow any foreign diplomatic mission to be based in the city, which is claimed by both Israelis and Palestinians as their capital.

The Saudi proposal was seen as a sign of the thawing relations between the two countries. In recent years, Israel and Saudi Arabia have been quietly cooperating on a number of issues, including security and intelligence. However, the Israeli government has said that it will not compromise on its position on Jerusalem, which it considers to be its undivided capital.

The Saudi proposal is likely to further complicate the already difficult Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The Palestinians have long demanded that East Jerusalem be the capital of their future state, and they are likely to view the Saudi proposal as a betrayal.

The Israeli government's decision to reject the Saudi proposal is a reminder of the deep divisions that still exist between Israel and the Palestinians. It is also a sign that the two countries are still far apart from reaching a peace agreement.

In a statement, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said that the Saudi proposal was "unacceptable" and that it would "undermine the prospects for peace between Israel and the Palestinians." Cohen said that Israel would not allow any foreign diplomatic mission to be based in Jerusalem, and that it would continue to work with the United States to achieve a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Saudi government has not yet commented on Israel's rejection of the proposal. However, it is likely that the Saudis will be disappointed by the Israeli decision. The Saudis have been seeking to improve relations with Israel in recent years, and they had hoped that the appointment of an envoy to the Palestinian Authority would be a sign of progress.

The Israeli government's decision to reject the Saudi proposal is a setback for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. However, it is important to note that the two countries are still engaged in dialogue, and there is still hope that a peace agreement can be reached.

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