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  • Arun Kshitig

Israeli Forces Launch Lethal Strike in Jenin

Israeli forces launched a large military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin on Monday morning, killing at least three people and injuring 25 others. The raid came less than two weeks after a previous Israeli raid in Jenin, in which five Palestinians were killed.

The Israeli military said the operation was carried out in response to a recent increase in Palestinian attacks against Israelis. The military said that its forces targeted "terrorist infrastructure" in Jenin, including weapons caches and training camps.

Palestinian officials condemned the raid, calling it a "massacre." They said that the Israeli forces had killed innocent civilians, including a young woman and a child.

The raid is the latest in a series of Israeli military operations in the West Bank. The violence has been escalating in recent months, as both Israelis and Palestinians have carried out attacks against each other.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most intractable conflicts in the world. There have been numerous attempts to reach a peace agreement, but none have been successful. The latest round of peace talks collapsed in 2014.

The violence in the West Bank is a reminder of the deep divisions that exist between Israelis and Palestinians. It is unclear how the conflict can be resolved, but it is clear that the current situation is unsustainable.

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