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  • Emma Thompson

Jimmy Fallon Apologizes for Toxic Work Environment Allegations

Jimmy Fallon has apologized to his staff after a Rolling Stone report alleged that the “Tonight Show” has been a “toxic” workplace for years. Fallon reportedly said in a Zoom call with staff that he did not intend to “create that type of atmosphere for the show,” and that he was “embarrassed and [felt] so bad” about the allegations.

The report cited 16 current and former employees who described a work environment that was characterized by fear, stress, and bullying. Employees alleged that Fallon had a history of “outbursts” and lashing out at staff when under pressure, and that previous senior staff on the show had bullied and belittled them.

Fallon has not commented on the specific allegations in the report, but he has said that he is committed to creating a “positive and inclusive” work environment. He has also said that he is working with NBC to investigate the allegations and to take corrective action if necessary.

The allegations against Fallon come at a time when Hollywood is facing increasing scrutiny over its workplace culture. In recent years, there have been numerous high-profile cases of sexual harassment and assault in the entertainment industry, and many companies have been forced to take steps to improve their workplace cultures.

It remains to be seen how the allegations against Fallon will affect his career. However, the apology he has issued is a positive step, and it suggests that he is committed to addressing the concerns of his staff.

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