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  • Arun Kshitig

Kenyans take to the streets to protest rising cost of living

Nairobi, Kenya - Kenyans took to the streets in protest of the rising cost of living on Monday, July 18, 2023. The protests were led by the opposition leader, Raila Odinga, who has accused the government of failing to address the needs of ordinary Kenyans.

The main cause of the protests is the rising cost of food and fuel. Food prices have been rising steadily in recent months, due to a combination of factors such as drought, crop failures, and high fuel prices. Fuel prices have also been rising, due to the global oil price crisis.

The rising cost of living is putting a strain on many Kenyan households. Many people are struggling to make ends meet, and some are even going hungry. The protests are a sign of the deep dissatisfaction that many Kenyans feel with the government.

The government has responded to the protests with a combination of force and appeasement. Police have used tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters, and at least 15 people have been killed in the clashes. The government has also announced a number of measures to address the cost of living, such as a reduction in fuel taxes and a subsidy on food prices.

It remains to be seen whether the protests will succeed in forcing the government to take more action to address the cost of living. However, the protests have certainly put the issue on the agenda, and they are a sign of the growing discontent among Kenyans.

In an interview with CNN, Odinga said that the protests would continue until the government takes concrete steps to address the cost of living crisis. "The people of Kenya are tired of being hungry and poor," he said. "We will not rest until the government does something to help us."

The protests come at a time when Kenya is facing a number of other challenges, including a drought, a political crisis, and a growing security threat. The government is under pressure to address these challenges, and the protests are a sign that the people of Kenya are not satisfied with the government's response so far.

It remains to be seen how the government will respond to the protests. However, it is clear that the cost of living crisis is a major issue for Kenyans, and the government will need to find a way to address it if it wants to avoid further unrest.

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