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  • Abu Aliyu

Massive Protests Sweeping Israel as Citizens Rally Against Controversial Judiciary Reform Bill

Thousands of Israelis took to the streets on Tuesday in a renewed wave of protests aimed at thwarting the government's plans to pass a judiciary reform bill. These demonstrations mark the latest chapter in a series of ongoing protests that began earlier this year when the bill was initially proposed.

The proposed legislation seeks to grant the government increased control over the Supreme Court, which has proven to be a thorn in the side of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The court has previously blocked several of Netanyahu's policies, including the appointment of a controversial minister.

Protesters argue that the bill poses a threat to the independence of the judiciary and could pave the way for a dictatorial regime. They are urging the government to withdraw the bill altogether.

Major cities across Israel, including Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa, saw the gatherings as protesters took to the streets, blocking roads, chanting slogans, and brandishing signs. While the demonstrations remained largely peaceful, some individuals were detained by the police.

These protests come at a challenging time for Netanyahu, who is currently facing corruption charges and grappling with plummeting approval ratings. As such, the protests are seen as a strategic move by the opposition to exert pressure on Netanyahu and his government.

The outcome of the protests in terms of preventing the bill's passage remains uncertain. Nonetheless, the government has received a clear message from the demonstrations, indicating substantial opposition to the proposed legislation.

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