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  • John Oshobo

Musk's AI Warnings Contrast With New Safety Declaration

The UK government has announced an agreement between 28 countries, including the US, EU, and China, aimed at collectively managing the risks of advanced artificial intelligence (AI).

The "Bletchley Declaration" focuses on frontier AI, which refers to hypothetical future AI capabilities that remain unknown. It represents the first international pact on governing AI safety.

Attendees of the UK's AI Safety Summit signed the declaration acknowledging the urgent need to understand and control potential dangers of AI. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called it a "landmark achievement."

The announcement comes as high-profile figures like Tesla's Elon Musk warn of existential threats from AI. In a podcast interview, Musk claimed AI could lead to human extinction if programmed by "extinctionists."

However, other experts argue such dire warnings are overblown. Meta President Nick Clegg said speculative future threats shouldn't overshadow present-day AI challenges like job displacement and algorithmic bias.

Rather than theoretical dangers, the Bletchley Declaration's practical cooperation models a productive global approach to developing AI responsibly. With countries working together, AI can be shaped to benefit humanity.

The next AI Safety Summit will convene virtually in six months, hosted by South Korea. France will host the following in-person summit in one year. International coordination established by the Bletchley Declaration represents a crucial first step.

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