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  • Ayo Adebayo

Nigerian Entrepreneur Finds Innovative Solution to Tire Waste Problem

October 3, 2023 - A Nigerian entrepreneur is working to solve the problem of millions of old tires by recycling them into new products. His company, Free Recycle, shreds tires and turns them into rubber mulch, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as playgrounds, athletic tracks, and landscaping.

Free Recycle's factory is located outside of Lagos, Nigeria. The company employs over 100 people and processes over 1,000 tires per day. Free Recycle's products are sold to businesses and individuals throughout Nigeria.

The company's founder, Ifedolapo Runsewe, was inspired to start Free Recycle after seeing a pile of burning tires at a landfill. She realized that the tires were a major environmental hazard, and that they could be recycled into useful products.

Runsewe started Free Recycle in 2015, and the company has grown rapidly since then. Free Recycle is now one of the largest tire recycling companies in Nigeria.

Runsewe's work has been recognized by a number of organizations, including the United Nations Environment Programme. She has also been named one of the "100 Most Inspiring Women in Africa" by Forbes magazine.

Free Recycle's work is helping to reduce waste and pollution in Nigeria. The company is also creating jobs and providing a sustainable source of income for many Nigerians.

In addition to the environmental and economic benefits, Free Recycle's products also have a number of practical advantages. Rubber mulch is durable, low-maintenance, and non-toxic. It is also a good insulator, which can help to reduce cooling costs in the summer and heating costs in the winter.

Free Recycle's work is an example of how innovation and entrepreneurship can be used to solve important environmental problems. Runsewe's company is making a positive impact on the lives of Nigerians and the environment.

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