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  • Abu Aliyu

Nigerian Government Shuts Down Chinese Supermarket for Discriminating Against Locals

The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) has taken decisive action against a Chinese supermarket in Abuja that prohibited Nigerian customers from patronizing the establishment. The supermarket, situated at the China General Chamber of Commerce in the Federal Capital Territory, was sealed off by FCCPC officials on Monday, April 22, 2024.

The closure came swiftly, within 24 hours after reports of the supermarket's discriminatory practices against Nigerians surfaced on social media platforms. When FCCPC officials arrived at the premises, they found that the supermarket's operator, Cindy Liu Bei, a Chinese national, had already fled the scene with her family at 8:26 a.m., as confirmed by the Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) footage.

Addressing the media after sealing the outlet, Boladale Adeyinka, the Director for Surveillance and Investigation at the FCCPC, stated that the commission's actions were prompted by the need to verify the allegations circulating on social media regarding the supermarket's discriminatory policies.

"On arrival, we noticed that the supermarket, which is right behind me, was sealed and padlocked externally," Adeyinka said. "Inquiries have shown that yes, as of this morning, this supermarket was open and people were here."

Adeyinka added that the CCTV footage corroborated the departure of the supermarket's owner, whose identity and contact details are now known to the commission.

The FCCPC has made it clear that the supermarket will remain sealed if its owner fails to appear before the commission's tribunal to address the allegations of discrimination against Nigerian customers.

This decisive action by the Nigerian government sends a strong message against any form of discrimination or unfair treatment of its citizens, regardless of the perpetrator's nationality or business interests.

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