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  • Ayo Adebayo

President Tinubu's Address Leaves Nigerians Dissatisfied: NLC Demands Concrete Actions

In a recent national broadcast, President Bola Tinubu addressed the challenges faced by Nigerians due to his administration's policy decisions. However, the speech seems to have fallen short of expectations, according to the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC).

The NLC President, Joe Ajaero, expressed disappointment in a statement on Tuesday, stating that the speech failed to acknowledge the hardship and suffering experienced by many Nigerians. The labor union expected President Tinubu to address critical issues such as the revival of public refineries, which have been dormant for years and contribute significantly to the subsidy dilemma.

Furthermore, the NLC criticized the President for not unmasking those responsible for looting Nigeria's resources under the guise of petrol subsidy. They believe that a firm commitment to bringing economic saboteurs to justice and recovering stolen funds was warranted.

Another concern raised by the NLC was the issue of the national minimum wage. Despite promises of collaboration with Organized Labour for a review, the government has not matched its public declarations with concrete actions. The absence of an inaugurated sub-committee for wage awards and the government's failure to promptly address wage matters for public workers have caused frustration among the labor union.

The NLC also questioned the effectiveness of the government's interventions through palliatives, loans, and conditional grants to help poor Nigerians, manufacturing companies, and small businesses. They assert that such promises have not yielded significant and verifiable changes in the lives of citizens.

The President's speech seemingly overlooked fundamental issues, like the urgent need to repair national refineries and hold those accountable for the subsidy malpractice. Nigerians are left wondering why these critical matters were sidelined in the address.

The NLC vowed to continue their struggle until they witness tangible commitment from the government to alleviate the sufferings of Nigerians. They had previously issued a nationwide strike notice in response to the removal of fuel subsidy by the government.

As the situation unfolds, Nigerians remain hopeful for concrete actions that will truly address the pressing challenges and improve their living conditions. The government's response to the NLC's concerns will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of the nation's labor and economic landscape.

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