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  • Ego Uche

President Tinubu's Charge to New Ministers: Serve with Diligence and Integrity

In a solemn ceremony held at the banquet hall of Aso Villa, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu officially inaugurated 45 new ministers and tasked them with the critical duty of serving Nigeria with unwavering diligence and integrity. He emphasized that their appointments brought significant responsibilities and that their work commenced immediately upon taking their oaths of office.

Addressing the newly sworn-in ministers, President Tinubu underscored the weight of public expectation and urged them to restore the trust of the Nigerian people in their government. He emphasized that Nigerians eagerly anticipated results and called upon the ministers to deliver on their promises.

"The majority of Nigerians have high expectations for delivery, accountability, and transparency. Nigerians expect you to serve with integrity, dignity, and effectiveness. I will hold you to these standards, as we all pledge to the Nigerian people," he affirmed.

President Tinubu also highlighted that the inauguration of the ministers marked a significant step in fulfilling the commitments made during his campaign for the presidency. He expressed his dedication to advancing the nation's best interests and stated that the ministerial appointments would expedite the realization of these objectives.

"Since my inauguration on May 29, I have initiated measures to begin the implementation of the agenda for which I campaigned and received the mandate of the Nigerian people. With the inauguration of ministers today, we are poised to accelerate our governance efforts, moving closer to achieving our loftiest aspirations for Nigeria," the President announced.

In his address, President Tinubu emphasized the shared responsibility of the ministers, reminding them that they were not representatives of specific states, regions, or ethnic groups but ministers of the entire Federal Republic of Nigeria. He called upon them to uphold the unity and prosperity of the nation.

Acknowledging the substantial challenges facing Nigeria, President Tinubu pledged his administration's commitment to implementing long-overdue reforms that would enhance government operations and elevate the nation's economy, ultimately improving the welfare of its citizens.

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