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  • Sosu Bello

Senegal Erupts Over President's Election Delay Power Play

DAKAR - Chaos has erupted in the streets of Dakar after Senegalese President Macky Sall abruptly postponed next month’s election late Saturday. Angry protesters clashed with riot police while the opposition exploded over what they called an “institutional coup” to extend Sall’s rule.

Multiple presidential candidates reported being swept up in violence as security forces cracked down on demonstrations across the capital. Huge plumes of tear gas filled roadways barricaded by burning tires.

Former Senegal Prime Minister Aminata Toure, who was also detained, told reporters, “President Macky’s exit slip is now marked with the seal of this unprecedented democratic regression."

The crisis started when Sall cited irregularities on the ballot as reason to indefinitely delay the vote slated for February 25. Critics argue he simply wants to hold onto power beyond his term limit.

Now the ruling party is racing to pass a bill allowing Sall to stay in office until the election can be held on August 25 instead.

As lawmakers debate Monday, opposition and civil society groups have called more protests. The unrest risks marring Senegal's reputation as a pillar of stability in volatile West Africa.

So far, international organizations are urging authorities to quickly set a new date and stick to democratic principles. But Sall appears determined to cling to the presidency amid a power vacuum of his own making.

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