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  • John Webber

Serbia's Vucic Claims Victory in Tight Election, But Fraud Claims Cast Shadow

Belgrade, Serbia - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has won Sunday's snap parliamentary elections, but the victory is marred by accusations of widespread electoral fraud from the opposition, raising concerns about the legitimacy of the results.

Vucic Claims Victory, Opposition Cries Foul

Despite not being on the ballot himself, Vucic declared the SNS's projected 47% of the vote a victory, securing them an absolute majority in parliament with 126 seats. However, the opposition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) alliance, formed in the wake of two deadly shootings in May, is crying foul. They allege that thousands of non-residents were brought in to vote in Belgrade, tipping the scales in favor of the SNS.

"More than 40,000 non-residents were brought to Belgrade," the SPN claimed in a statement, demanding the annulment of the vote in the capital and calling for supporters to take to the streets in protest.

Belgrade: A Battleground Lost and Won?

The SPN had hoped to gain control of Belgrade, where nearly a quarter of Serbia's population resides. While initial results show the SNS narrowly ahead, any dent in their dominance in the capital would be a significant blow. However, with the opposition's allegations of fraud hanging in the air, the true picture of Belgrade's voting remains unclear.

EU Aspirations and the Kosovo Question

Serbia's EU aspirations are heavily dependent on normalizing relations with Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008. Vucic faces pressure from both the EU and the US to make progress on this issue, but his close ties to Russia and China complicate matters.

Concerns and Uncertainties

Local observers reported various irregularities on election day, including voter bussing and attempted ballot-rigging in several polling stations. These reports, coupled with the SPN's allegations, cast a shadow of doubt over the election's fairness and transparency.

The Road Ahead

With tensions high and the opposition vowing to continue its fight, the coming days will be crucial in determining the aftermath of this contentious election. The SPN's planned protests and calls for a recount could lead to further unrest, while international observers will be closely monitoring the situation to assess the legitimacy of the results.

The outcome of this election will have significant implications for Serbia's future, both domestically and in its quest for EU membership. Whether Vucic's victory can hold under the weight of fraud claims and whether Serbia can navigate the complex geopolitical landscape surrounding Kosovo remain to be seen.

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