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  • Ayo Adebayo

Snoop Dogg Announces He Is Quitting Smoking Marijuana

Rapper Snoop Dogg has stunned fans by announcing he is giving up smoking marijuana. Snoop, famous for advocating cannabis use, said on social media he made the decision after discussions with family.

Snoop did not specify if he was quitting all smoking or only marijuana. His music and public persona have been defined by frequent marijuana use. Many fans reacted with disbelief at his statement.

Snoop's career began on Dr. Dre's album The Chronic, named after a potent cannabis strain. His lyrics contain numerous marijuana references like "smoke weed everyday." In 2013, he claimed to smoke 80 joints daily.

He also founded a cannabis company called Leafs By Snoop. So some fans speculated this announcement is a marketing ploy or switch to edibles for his lungs' sake rather than completely quitting.

Snoop, now 52, did not provide context on if this is a permanent decision or a tolerance break. But ceasing marijuana after decades of heavy use at his age could carry health benefits like improved mental health and reduced cancer risk.

Some praised the move as difficult but wise. But for fans, Snoop without marijuana seems unimaginable after he's built his image around its use for so long.

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