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  • Ashley Gibbs

Study Finds Diet and Exercise Can Reduce Harmful Belly Fat in Older Adults

A new study suggests combining a lower-calorie Mediterranean diet with exercise can help older adults lose dangerous visceral belly fat while gaining muscle over time.

The research examined overweight and obese adults aged 55-75 over one and three years. One group cut calories by 30% and followed a Mediterranean diet, while also increasing exercise.

After a year, this group lost significantly more total body fat compared to controls. The diet-exercise group also reduced visceral abdominal fat, which can raise disease risks. They gained some fat back after formal guidance stopped.

However, only the diet-exercise group continued losing visceral fat at three years. Both groups increased lean muscle mass, but the intervention group lost more fat than muscle.

The study reinforces health benefits from calorie control, Mediterranean eating, and activity in older populations. The three-year follow-up period was particularly notable.

Experts say the modest fat loss highlights the challenge of sustaining lifestyle changes. But the visceral fat reduction and muscle gain still represent meaningful improvements in body composition.

While promising, additional research on larger populations would better confirm the long-term impacts. Questions also remain on precise diet composition and exercise needed to optimize fat loss versus muscle gain.

Still, the findings suggest combining Mediterranean eating principles with activity and calorie control can impart measurable metabolic improvements well into older age.

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