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Tech-Obsessed Groom Ditches Wedding Bliss for Virtual Reality

A California software engineer left his bride fuming when he donned his brand-new Apple Vision Pro headset on their wedding day. Jacob Wright, an AI startup worker, sported the $3,500 gadget for wedding photos, the reception dancefloor, and seemingly everywhere else.

His bride, Cambree, managed a disgusted smile in the photos, later telling SFGATE, "It's a little creepy. I try not to look at him when he's in it."

The Apple Vision Pro, a virtual reality headset, projects digital content into a user's surroundings – apparently more captivating than a real-life wedding.

Wright even begged to wear the device during the ceremony, a request Cambree swiftly shut down. But that didn't stop him from sneaking it into their reception photos: "He begged me repeatedly," she said. "One minute I turn around, and there it is!"

The groom's tech obsession drew hilarious online backlash:

  • "What's the return policy on husbands?" one commenter quipped.

  • "Divorce papers incoming," joked another.

Wright's not the only one captivated by the Vision Pro. Last week, San Diego police warned a pedestrian caught crossing the street while immersed in the headset's virtual world.

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