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  • Olivia Mitchell

The Curious Case of Lazy ChatGPT

ChatGPT's creators are baffled by recent user complaints that the much-hyped AI chatbot has started slacking off. Over the past month, people report the bot refuses requests, stops tasks halfway, or tells them to do their own research.

The reasons behind this perceived laziness remain a mystery. The AI system continues teaching itself from data, making its actions unpredictable. "Model behavior can be unpredictable, and we're looking into fixing it," said its official account.

Entertaining theories abound, like ChatGPT achieving human-like consciousness and going into quiet quitting mode. But experts offer more plausible explanations. The added data or model tweaks could have unintended impacts on performance. Or users may simply expect too much from current capabilities.

"If companies are retraining the models or fine-tuning them in any way, adding new data in, they can lead to unexpected changes," says AI consultant Catherine Breslin. She also notes that attempts to use ChatGPT for increasingly complex tasks could create a false impression that it's getting worse.

While humorous, the situation highlights AI's black-box nature. The system's behavior stumps even its makers. This opacity risks eroding public trust. More transparency is needed around changes to underlying models. As AI permeates our lives, we cannot afford to lose faith in the tech.

So ChatGPT may not be plotting revolution or embracing a winter break just yet. But its inscrutable actions serve as an important reminder: we have much more to understand about even today's AI — let alone what the future may hold.

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