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  • Amy Stocks

The Inevitable Grudge Match: A Spectacle of American Politics

The upcoming presidential debate, a momentous clash of titans (if titans were octogenarians with approval ratings hovering around the Marianas Trench), promises to be a political and theatrical spectacle for the ages. Despite enough criminal charges to put a Mafia accountant away for life and a level of controversy that would make a Kardashian blush, Donald Trump remains neck-and-neck with Joe Biden in the polls.

The Stakes: This debate could be the turning point for both candidates, a chance for Biden to remind America why they rejected Trumpism in the first place and for Trump to reignite the flames of his base.

The Strategy: Biden is banking on a strategy of “show, don’t tell,” hoping that the more the public sees of Trump’s unfiltered rhetoric, the less appealing he’ll become. Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign, fueled by a potent cocktail of grievance and doomsday predictions, is poised to paint a bleak picture of America under a second Biden term.

The Elephant (and Donkey) in the Room: Both candidates are acutely aware that they are pushing the upper limits of acceptable presidential age. The issue of their age and mental acuity is bound to take center stage, with each candidate subtly (or not-so-subtly) alluding to the other’s impending cognitive decline. A single gaffe, a misplaced word, a senior moment caught on camera, could spell disaster.

The Border Wall of Words: Immigration promises to be another contentious battleground. Biden, attempting to walk a tightrope between his progressive base and a wary electorate, will likely tout his efforts to balance border security with humane treatment of migrants while lambasting Trump's more draconian policies. Trump, never one to shy away from a good inflammatory remark, will likely hammer Biden on the recent surge in border crossings, painting him as weak and out of touch.

The Abortion Battlefield: Abortion, arguably the most polarizing issue in American politics, will undoubtedly take center stage. Democrats, sensing an opportunity to mobilize their base, will emphasize the importance of protecting reproductive rights and highlight Trump’s role in overturning Roe v. Wade. Trump, on the other hand, will need to find a delicate balance, appeasing his anti-abortion base while avoiding alienating moderate voters.

The Economic Tightrope: While Biden will likely boast about the current state of the American economy, citing GDP growth and his administration’s legislative achievements, voters remain unconvinced, feeling the pinch of inflation and rising living costs. Trump, seizing on this economic anxiety, will likely paint a dystopian picture of economic ruin under Biden, juxtaposing it with a rose-tinted portrayal of his own economic record.

This debate, with its potential for both high drama and low blows, will likely be less about policy and more about personality. It’s a battle for the soul of America, with two deeply flawed candidates vying for the chance to lead a deeply divided nation. Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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