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  • Jane Anderson

Trump and Haley Spar Over 'America First' vs Intervention in New Hampshire Battle

Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Nikki Haley are offering starkly different foreign policy visions as they campaign in New Hampshire ahead of the state's primary on Tuesday.

Haley is striking a very hawkish tone, warning that China poses a major threat to U.S. interests and that America must prepare for the possibility of war. She argues China is advancing militarily and that the U.S. must treat it as an "enemy," not just a "competitor." Haley also contends the U.S. must continue strongly backing Ukraine against Russian aggression.

In contrast, Trump touts an "America First" isolationist platform based on avoiding foreign wars and entanglements. He defends his relationships with authoritarian leaders like China's Xi Jinping and Russia's Putin, saying they prevent world war. Trump casts Haley as a "warmonger" who will mire America in conflicts abroad. He pledges to immediately end U.S. support for Ukraine if elected.

Polls show GOP voters now largely favor Trump's non-interventionist stance over Haley's more traditional Republican foreign policy platform. With war still raging in Ukraine and tensions high globally, their ideological divide highlights a rift over America's role in the world. Their battle in New Hampshire represents a key test of whether Republican attitudes have fundamentally shifted along with Trump.

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