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  • John Webber

UK Police Arrest 52 Protesters During King Charles' Coronation

On Saturday, May 6, 2023, the United Kingdom Police arrested 52 people, including the leader of the anti-monarchy group Republic, during King Charles' coronation. The arrests were made after police received information that protesters were planning to disrupt the coronation procession.

The protesters, who were dressed in yellow, gathered along the procession route in central London. They held up signs that said "Not My King" and chanted slogans against the monarchy. Police said that some of the protesters were also carrying rape alarms, which they planned to use to disrupt the procession.

The police said that their duty to prevent disruption outweighed the right to protest. They added that they had arrested the protesters in order to ensure the safety of the public and to protect the smooth running of the coronation.

The arrests have been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised the police for taking action to prevent disruption, while others have criticized the arrests as an infringement on the right to protest.

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