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  • Adam Sellers

Unlocking a Longer Life: Experts Reveal 5 Key Habits

Can the right lifestyle choices add years to your life? While genetics and luck play a role, longevity experts believe certain habits can significantly improve both quality and duration of life. Here are their top five recommendations:

1. Sleep is King:  "Adults need seven to nine hours of quality sleep nightly," says Diogo Barardo, longevity researcher at NOVOS. Insufficient sleep is linked to serious health risks, so prioritize a regular sleep schedule and calming bedtime routines.

2. Embrace Fermented Foods: Kimchi, yogurt, and other fermented staples are natural probiotics, explains Maddy Dychtwald of Age Wave. They boost gut health, a key factor in overall well-being.

3. Avoid Smoke, Limit Alcohol: This one's no surprise. Smoking and excessive drinking dramatically increase disease risk. "The negative impacts on health are clear," emphasizes Barardo.

4. Tame Your Stress: Chronic stress opens the door to countless ailments. Nathan Price of Thorne HealthTech advocates meditation and exercise for stress relief. Barardo suggests mindfulness practices and time with loved ones.

5. Smart Exercise Strategies: Consider morning workouts for maximum benefit, says Dychtwald, citing a recent study. And don't despair – even short bursts of activity have been shown to reduce the risk of premature death.

Bottom Line: While no one can beat the clock entirely, making these changes offers the best chance to lead a more vibrant and extended life.

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