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  • John Webber

Writers Guild of America Strike: What You Need to Know

The Writers Guild of America (WGA), which represents over 11,000 writers in the United States, went on strike on May 2, 2023. The strike is over a number of issues, including pay, residuals, and new media. The strike has already caused production on many television shows to halt, and it is expected to have a significant impact on the entertainment industry.

The WGA is seeking a number of changes to the current contract, including:

  • A larger share of the profits from new media, such as streaming services and online distribution.

  • Increased residuals for writers who work on shows that are sold into syndication.

  • Improved health care benefits.

The studios have offered some concessions, but they have not met all of the WGA's demands. The strike is now in its second week, and it is unclear when it will end.

The strike has already had a significant impact on the entertainment industry. Many television shows have been forced to halt production, and it is unclear when they will be able to resume. The strike is also expected to have a negative impact on the box office, as fewer new movies will be released.

The strike is a major setback for the entertainment industry, and it is unclear how long it will last. The WGA and the studios are both dug in, and it is possible that the strike could last for months. The outcome of the strike will have a major impact on the future of the entertainment industry, and it will be closely watched by both sides.

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